The Benefits of a Tankless Water Heater in Your Lethbridge Home

Have you ever thought about getting a tankless water heater, based off a Lethbridge plumber’s recommendation? Tankless water heaters are definitely something you should be looking into.
Lethbridge tankless water heaters, sometimes known as instantaneous, continuous flow or inline are the perfect alternative to conventional tank heaters. They heat liquids on demand or instantly rather than keeping liquids in reserve like conventional tank heaters. They use less energy than tank heaters which in turns means lower energy bills for you.
They can be operated electrically or with natural gas or propane. Gas ones can heat more liquid faster while electric ones need access to a lot of electric power to rapidly heat water. They are very efficient when it comes to energy conservative. They have efficiency ratings at nearly 99%.
Most supply hot water for the whole Lethbridge home including appliances. The ones that supply hot water for the whole house are largest of the heaters. Point-of-use tankless water heaters are smaller units and can be placed under sinks or other easy access areas.
Point-of-use tankless water heater units provide hot water for a specific outlet versus the whole house. They are located right where the water is being used and save more energy than centrally installed tankless water heaters, but are usually used in combination with a central water heater because of their small tank size.
Generally speaking, they are good choices because they don’t take up much space and can be hidden out of site. So, you won’t have to worry about people looking at it.
Here are a few reasons why you should look into them...
- Unlimited hot water – As liquid is heated while passing through the system an unlimited supply of hot water is available with a tankless water heater however, this can also be a disadvantage as running out of hot water self-limits use while a tankless heater has no such limit.
- Size – They can be mounted under a sink, in an easy access area, or anywhere else you think would be a good location. Because there is no tank, the places of where it can go are virtually endless.
- Water damage is minimized – They have no tanks to store liquid, so there are no chances of water damage do to a leak or hole in the tank. There are still risks of water damage from faulty parts such as improper piping or bad fittings.
- Longevity – They have no tanks meaning they will outlast the conventional heater twice as many years because corrosion is due to standing water in the tank. The corrosion will be on the pipes or around the fittings vs. the tank.
- Environmentally Friendly – They are designed to only use gas and water when they are being used. Therefore, you are not wasting resources to heat the water in a conventional heater.