Lethbridge Furnace Repairs

The cold weather is on its way and for Lethbridge and Southern Alberta homes, that means your furnace is about to get a work out. If you’re furnace stops working this winter, there are a couple of very important things you can do yourself before calling out a furnace service technician.
- Check to see that the breaker is on that serves the furnace. Check you electrical panel and if you see any breakers that are off or tripped, see if they are serving your furnace.
- Check to see that the power switch is on. Somewhere near your furnace, usually high on a wall, or even at the ceiling there will be a light switch designed to serve as a shutoff for your furnace. Make sure it’s on!
- 3. Is the thermostat set correctly? Your thermostat may have a “Heat/Cool/Off” switch. Make sure it’s set to Heat. Also make sure that the temperature is set above room temperature (yes, we have to say it, we’ve seen it before!)
- 4. Is the filter clean? There is nothing worse than calling a technician to your home in the middle of the night to find out your filter is plugged. In the winter months, it’s best to check your filter once every month.
These are the basic tests you can do yourself on your furnace. Doing much more than that requires a certain amount of expertise and is best left to a trained pro. Of course, having your furnace checked annually is the best way to avoid winter breakdowns.