When Should Have Your Lethbridge AC Repaired?

It is a good idea not to wait until your air conditioner totally breaks down before you have Lethbridge AC repair done. If you wait, you may end up having to replace the whole system, which could be very costly, and not covered by the warranty, because you neglected to take care of your unit properly. Here are a few of the signs to look for when you may need someone to check and fix your air conditioning unit.
One of the first signs that you need Lethbridge AC repair is of course if you start hearing strange sounds coming from your unit. If you hear clunking, or squealing, you should call someone right away. There are other more subtle signs that your air conditioner is on the fritz as well. If only a few rooms in your house are getting cooler, there could be some trouble. If you find that your electric bill is exceptionally high, this could mean that there is a problem that is causing your unit to use more energy to work.
If you are doing regular maintenance on your air conditioner, like changing the filters on a regular basis, opening the access panel and looking for loose belts, etc, and you are still having problems, then there could be an internal problem that needs to be looked at by a licensed professional. If you suspect a problem, don’t try to do the job on your own. Newer models have a lot of electronic components, and of course there is the fact that these systems are high voltage, and could give you a nasty shock. It is just a good idea to have someone who knows what their doing come in instead. Also, tinkering with it yourself can cause more problems, and not covered by your warranty.
If you are having problems, you need to get someone in early to do your AC repair. Catching simple problems early will prevent more costly repairs later on. Usually it is something simple, like a broken belt, or condenser, or something to do with the electronics. In many cases, with a newer unit, these simple repairs may even be covered by your warranty. It is much better to have it fixed early, than wait, because this will raise your energy bills, make you frustrated because your home isn’t getting cooled off in the Summer, and save you a lot of money having to replace the whole thing.
In order to prevent costly repairs in the first place, it is a good idea to have routine checks done at least once a year, in the Spring. There are other ways to save money as well, like making sure that the filters are replaced on a regular basis, and have the ducts cleaned. You can set up a program with your Lethbridge AC service company to have them come in and help you out.